Report a Concern

Table of Contents

The Report a Concern function, available on all Glow core services, allows users to submit details of any concerns they have about content or activity in Glow.

Clicking on the “report a Glow concern” button opens up a form which you should complete with your name, email or Glow ID and the following information:

  • The Glow component you have a concern about (e.g. Glow O365 Yammer)
  • Details of your concern
  • Details of how we can find your concern, including any relevant links to it.

You will receive an email response to your concern within business hours Monday to Friday 08:00 to 17:00. There will be limited monitoring of the form outside these hours (excluding public holidays). The action taken will depend on the severity of the concern reported.

When would I use it? #

You would use the Report a concern functionality if you see anything on Glow that is worrying, nasty or offensive.

You would not use the Report a concern functionality for assistance with general/technical support including password resets or user account issues. You should use your local school / authority contacts for this.

The information we compile and process relating to your concern will be treated in accordance with, and subject to, the provisions of statute and regulations currently in force including the DPA, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation (PECR), the GDPR, and the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.