Accounts and Passwords

You need a username and password to access Glow. This will be provided by your local authority or establishment if you work in:

  • a school or local authority;
  • a college delivering the 3–18 curriculum;
  • a university with a faculty of education;
  • a local authority nursery or nursery in partnership with a local authority;
  • a school outside of local authority control that delivers the 3-18 curriculum;
  • a Scottish Government body with a primary remit within the 3-18 curriculum.

How do I get help with my Glow account? #

Help is available from the Glow Launch Pad, as indicated in the top right corner below:

Glow partner or guest account #

Scottish education partners who are involved in the delivery of the 3–18 curriculum can also gain access to Glow. This includes staff working in private early learning and childcare settings and those working in charities or companies that support pupils in their education. For more information contact