APIs and how to obtain the Client ID

When a service (an app, extension or website) requires access to a users’ Google data (Drive, Calendar etc) it will be necessary to obtain the Client ID for that service in order for it to be added to the Google tenant by RM.

These Client IDs or API keys permit access to users’ Google data by internal apps and third-party apps.

When a Glow user is required to sign in to a website with their Glow Google account they will see something similar to:

Continue with Google icon

If an attempt to login using a Glow Google account, and access is blocked, the user will see a message similar to:

Error MessageWhere to find Client ID
Screenshot of site being blockedScreenshot of client ID
On clicking error detail to see more detail, the message is expanded to show,
for example:

The Client ID can be copied and added to the App Request Form